
Hello, I'm Emmanuel

An Aspring Developer

That Enjoys Creating User-Friendly Applications



About Me


Emmanuel Isidahomen


Emmanuel is an alumnus from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore with a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science & Business. His near-future goals are to become a Front End Engineer. He feels that this career would help him grow his creative and technical mindset.

color:white On account of being in the early stages of his career, his short team goals are to find an internship or an entry-level position in which he can learn and develop his skills with challenging projects.

Thank you for your time, and hope to connect with you soon!


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Design & Development

For design and development, I have used front end technologies to design and create some creative and cool projects. You can find my projects on GitHub😊.

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My Hobbies

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Personal development

In my spare time, I love listening to music because it helps me keep my mood up. I also love going to the gym because it is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle 💪. Lastly, when I am not too busy, I am usually watching YouTube tutorials on new programming languages.

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Created by Emmanuel Isidahomen©2020